Originally Posted by filespinner
There is a guy in Louisiana about to do this exact thing on his high fence. He has all native deer and already kills deer over 200 inches. He feeds protien year round and plants over 50 acres of summer plots. He doesnt disk, has a roller crimper to terminate growth and just drills his seed through the weed mat. And now he is about to put cattle in for the reason CNC is talking about. A well known wildlife biologist came to his place and said it would be the best thing he could do to improve his property. I really didnt think there was anything he could do to make his property an better than it was, but he is going to do this.

That’s awesome!……I imagine cattle would a be more feasible option to deal with overall but man how cool would it be to do it with an actual buffalo herd. I imagine it’ll take a number of years for the guy in Louisiana to see the total impact that will be made but I have to imagine it will be pretty substantial. Its one thing to improve a food plot or put out a feeder, etc…..Its quite another to change and improve the soil across an entire property and the overall quality of the forage that comes from it. I track for several high fences.....I've thought about mentioning it to some of them while we were tracking but figure they'd look at me like a space ship had just landed or something

Does this guy's name happen to be Baker??

Last edited by CNC; 08/21/20 09:47 AM.

We dont rent pigs