Yea my point was the same I think as you stated earlier. You can throw the basic 3-way food plot mix out on concrete and if you throw enough of it and thick enough......

It will Germinate and it WILL GROW. I have had wheat seed sprout in the corners of my truck bed and stay green nearly all winter.

Weeds suck nutrients from the soil that the desirable plants therefore cannot use. So what has happened in my estimation is that there has been a push to just change the meaning of a desirable plant to include Weeds. That way the advocates of this process don't need to actually do anything.... and most importantly the measure of success is more than easily attainable. Just let the weeds grow. Nothing hard about that.

The measure of success = "it's green". We are just looking for color. CNC will say that's not the case. You can decide. What is called a microbial buffet looks to me like nothing more than a layer of thatch. They make a tool to get rid of that for a reason. Its called a dethatcher. You might have used one on your yard at some point. Its where problems can start that might ruin your desirable plants, a.k.a. your lawn.

Throwing wheat seed into dead grass isn't rocket science. This is exactly the same result as throwing rye grass on your Bermuda lawn so that it "looks green" all winter.

And someone is calling this some type of groundbreaking phenomenon.

It ain't. Never was and never will be.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.