Originally Posted by Mjh97
Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by Out back
Athletic scholarship should be totally eliminated.
Let college coaches do exactly what high school coaches do, build players from the student body.
If you have the intelligence and grade score to get into college, you can go there with grants and student loans and a part time job.
If you want to play football, go for it, but earn it.

Its working backwards Outback. These days highschool coaches are recruiting and parents are buying houses and moving to schools where the kid has a better chance on the ballfield. Personally I think that is retarded. I love my kids and I will do all I can to ensure their success but I have a life too, my wife also has a life. No way I would completely cjange my whole families lives so that my son MIGHT get a little further ahead. Thats almost like some kind of child worship or something. Weird to me, but its going on every day in the streets of america.

Walker that going on in 3 schools in blount county i can take you and show the kids that moved

Stupid people everywhere