Way back in the beginning when I wasn’t having to tend to my twins as infants…..I’d get stoned as a lab rat and spend the morning or afternoon walking around my field trying to understand the whole process of what was going on beneath my feet and around me. I’d go back to the computer and research…..reading and watching every video I could find on soil health, cover crops, plant biology/ecology etc…..then go back to the field taking what I had researched and repeat the process.. I’ve spent years testing this and that just to see what would happen and to further my understanding of things. I didn’t just pull these things out of my arse overnight like some here try to convince you of. Its funny that after everything I’ve tested and tried to understand I’ve come to the same conclusion as the Japanese farmer in the book….Humanity doesn’t really understand anything at all…..Oh boy we think we do though. Its sorta of like understanding the universe…..The more we learn and understand….the more we realize just how much we don’t understand. I believe both nature and the universe are meant to be that way by design

Cue up the peanut gallery……..

Last edited by CNC; 08/14/20 06:25 PM.

We dont rent pigs