Originally Posted by C3SEAST
I didn't read the entire thread, so someone else may have asked, did your wife do the hydroxychloroquine treatment also? Praying for both of you.

my wife waited a few days of symptoms before starting Hydroxy cocktail. She was sick for 11 days, temps up to 102.

I started my meds the first full day of symptoms, last Sunday. My fever broke last night(Tues night) temp was at 98.1 this morning, 98.0 an hour ago. Most of my muscle pain and headaches are gone. Pretty sure I have this crap beat down. I did not have as bad symptoms nor for near as long. Three days vs 11 days.

I think the takeaway from our experience is to start taking the Hydroxy (cocktail) right away to prevent continuation of symptoms. The damn cocktail works.

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one