Hang tough brother you can survive this. I started chemo today with a guy the just started it and radiation. He looked to be close to my age but I will say more frail then my self. He said his in a lung and the neck. I did one treatment today and will do one weekly. He is doing 7 days of 5 hours straight except he’ll get a couple off for the weekend. The off he said for a week or two and another week straight. I know doing it daily will take a toll on this guy. He told me he hopes it will work and worth it. I told him to stay positive as treatment has advanced so much and it isn’t an automatic death sentence. I told him about my dad being diagnosed at 75. And I asked him why he wanted to subject himself to that at his age. He simply told me I wasn’t to hang around this old world a little longer. He got two more years. When I get on the pity train I remember his words and tell myself the same thing.