Who In the SEC has the most liberal school president? It’s the school presidents that will be making the end call. This will be a great test to see who the most liberally run school in the SEC actually is.

We already know Saban is a demtard. Gus is too stupid to vote and doesn’t really know what to think other than he knows he needs to get his finger from his nose to his mouth when he needs a snack. Georgia is just Georgia, TN knows they suck so they just do what they are told., FL actually thinks they will be good this year, so they want to play, just like every year right up until they realize they aren’t. KY has KY used on them every weekend in the fall so life without football is generally good for them. Vandy doesn’t play SEC brand football so their vote doesn’t count. Honest question, as bad as Mizzou sucks, why were they invited into the SEC to start with. Tired of typing so I’ll stop there.

In summary, Ol Piss and Miss State have both already caved to BLM and political correctness more so than any of the other SEC schools in the past 24 mths. If I had to put money on it, I’d prob agree with 257 and say ol miss will be the first to bend over. Should be interesting.

Last edited by abolt300; 08/11/20 09:52 PM.