Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by teamduckdown
Didnt want to hi-jack the other thread.. But my dad and i were discussing this the other day. We've got good soil (as of now, limed last summer), and i've contemplated just completely doing away with wheat and only planting oats and clover. Any negatives to this that yall can see?

Oats and clover in the winter, iron clay peas in the summer. Keep the corn out all year

I like this plan, but I have to admit I've been thinking about shifting my spots to 80% white clover and saying the heck with all the extra work. Spraying, discing, planting, and spraying more 2 times year is a pain.

I like the idea of bush hogging once a month in June July and August and overseeding every few years in February. Maybe have to hit it with some cleth or spot spray.