Originally Posted by doekiller
Originally Posted by burbank

He (GF) would be alive if not for the actions of GF, period. Of course, that won’t matter.

Just like those girls who got drunk and wore short skirts. They got what was coming to them when the guy followed them from the bar and raped them, right? I mean the guy is innocent because they wouldn't have been raped if they would have been good girls. See how dumb that sounds.

I know you may be getting Stockholm syndrome from representing all those democrats....

But if GF had never passed a counterfeit 20 the police would have NEVER been called. His action started a chain reaction that ended up dooming him.

Did he deserve to die? No. Could HE have prevented it??? Yes. Should the cops be held accountable? Yes.

Last edited by burbank; 08/05/20 08:15 PM.