Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
Originally Posted by Geno
Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
It was the responsibility of the country of Lebanon to provide “off post security”. In other words they were supposed to have our back. So like I said Geno piss on um!

That's like asking Kitts and St. Nevis to protect us. I understand your animosity and agree with it but when a state/country is so weak they can't even control their borders or towns, it is most likely misplaced.

Correctly placed animosity would be directed towards those who committed the act. Do we hate the U.S. Government for allowing pearl harbor or the twin towers attacks?

Piss on Japan and Saudi Arabia. What else you got?

You mistake my attempt at clarification for some sort of attack. My apologies.

Whoever is happy will make others happy too. Anne Frank