Originally Posted by mike35549
Originally Posted by bill
Originally Posted by mike35549
Why not just put a mask on for one minute while you are ordering? Then take it off when you get to your table. I am just curious as to the reasoning.

Because I don't want to help foster the notion that this is the deadly, killer virus the media and government says it is and that mask are out only hope of defeating the virus. Is that a good enough reason?

As long as we're playing the "why not just do what they ask", game , why not just take the word of the government health gurus that swear hydrocloroquine is deadly and doesn't help against covid-19? I mean, why not just go along to get along?

I was just curious why folks was so hell bent on not wearing one. I do have a question if you were going to visit a family member that had let’s say diabetes would you wear a mask for the visit.

I've been visiting my mother several times in the last couple of months and she does have diabetes. None of us have worn a mask but she's actually very healthy outside of her type 2 diabetes. Most of my family is more concerned with the ridiculous over reaction and not as concerned with dying as we are with not really living.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"