I had 420 acres off of CR1 for a few years.

Year #1 I had the power pole stolen... turned out it was the guy who leased deer rights from the previous lease holder & wasn't told he wouldn't be renewed until he came and found a new lock. No hard feelings, he just got what was his.

Year #2 I had a trail cam stolen that wasn't far from the property line and on a road that loggers travelled. My fault.

Year #3 I went to get MY power pole after deciding to let the lease go... only to find that IT was stolen after the power co disconnected it for me.

I had a camper within eye sight and less than 50 yards off of the road the entire time. Never as much as touched anything. Either I'm lucky, or it gets exaggerated.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson