Originally Posted by Irishguy
Originally Posted by FreeStateHunter
Originally Posted by Irishguy
Originally Posted by BREEZE1
Dang Irishguy, I just did a quick history lesson. I never knew that and sure would have thought the opposite of Winston co.

A lot of North Alabama felt the same way. I obviously wasn't alive back then to know the true stories, but I would imagine most of the places like Dekalb and Jackson counties were not pro-Confederacy.

More reading on the subject...


That article forgets to include the reason behind the “unionists”. Winston County always has been the least populated and one of the poorest counties in the state, it was back then as well. There wasn’t a single slave owner in the county so when the state requested the number of men they did it was devastating to the county and most farms and families would have failed.

So I assume your point is that if they were well off and owned slaves they would have gladly supported and fought for the Confederacy?

There's no way of knowing, i'm just stating what the facts were.