Originally Posted by hunterbuck
Originally Posted by twaldrop4
Originally Posted by hunterbuck
Originally Posted by twaldrop4
I wish they'd cancel al sports and these people would have to get real jobs.

That's a fairly un-American and anti-capitalist viewpoint.

Never knew being a slave to sports was American (and most sports fans are). And I don’t see how it’s anti capitalistic at all. If the athletes played for the love of the game and people didn’t worship them then I’d have no problem. But if not worshipping sports makes me unAmerican then I guess I’m guilty cause I could care less if they ever played again

You basically said "I don't like it, so it should be cancelled and those athletes shouldn't be able to make money doing it".

That's un-American (and anti-capitalist) as can be. You don't want people to be free...you want them to believe what you believe, and that's it. You want to take away from others.

It's no different than PETA wanting to shut down hunting....or the groups masquerading as BLM and Antifa trying to shut down, well, apparently everything.

A lot of you are guilty of the same thing you think you're fighting against....you believe in cancel-culture and want to cancel the things you don't like. That's not freedom.

I don't like the BLM message, but I love the US Constitution...and will defend their right to say what they believe, and if you believe in the Constitution, you will too. I'm the guy you want in your foxhole if the SHTF, but I'm not gonna sit on here and run my mouth about it 24/7. I can probably count on both hands the number of current posters here who have been here longer than me, and the bravado espoused here on a daily basis amuses me.

Our side is just as guilty as the left are....we are ready and willing to attempt to label someone as something we don't like...then attack them. I'm just not all about that.

I believe that if something is legal, moral, and respectful of others....have at it. Is that wrong?

Do you actually believe anything that you just typed?

I could care less if BLM has a message. They deserve that right.

What bothers me is that a conservative coach can lose his job for wearing the wrong t shirt. I say not spending your money on a sport is the MOST American thing you can do to counter this.