I have witnessed several young people that grew up in solid Christian homes recently go off to "higher education" and now spout liberal leftist propaganda like it was the best drink of cold water on a hot humid day. It is so sad to see these young minds laid to waste so quickly and at great expenditure of treasure. And in my case these kids primarily were band kids in high school and it seems for some reason that those are the most likely to become the strongest vocally. The more independent kids and more athletic kids seem to have done better with common sense reasoning. We recently had one young lady (educated in Pelham HS and at Samford) chime in on an online conversation concerning the definition of Fascism. Low and behold this young lady now off to college in Mobile comes back and posts her definition of Fascism lifted directly from the BLM website (Marxist by their own definition) and she gave a bunch of mumbo jumbo words to sound so elite in her exposition and defense of blacks. However after reading what she said it became apparent that she was ashamed of her whiteness and white privilege and actually became a racist in trying to over defend the black race as if they could not stand on their own. It is so sad to see these things happen. We are in a culture war like never seen before.

Sow righteousness for yourselves and reap faithful love;
break up your unplowed ground. It is time to seek the Lord until He comes and sends righteousness on you like the rain. - Hosea 10:12