Originally Posted by Dublgrumpy
Originally Posted by Wiley Coyote
Originally Posted by CeeHawk37
A shining example of why kids need their parents to educate them. If kids are not rooted in a solid foundation of learning regarding the constitution and our founding, they will be influenced by the leftists in academia.

A friend of mine that I was in high school with has a daughter that was born and raised in the Douglas AL area. Just about as country as it gets around here. The daughter goes off to UAB at some point as well as Samford. She is now 30 something and 180 degrees from her red-blooded, country raised mother and brother who served in the sand box. Pro abortion, leftist everything. It's damn pathetic. We've butted heads on FB but I started ignoring her a good while ago out of respect for her mom. It just boggles my mind how that generation turns on their raising and believes all this absolute tyranny filled bullschitt that they're consuming 24/7/365. I thank God every day for my son that loves God, carries EVERYWHERE and goes to the n'th degree for his two little girls.

And that brings me to the next scenario.......there a re a few on here that occasionally post about their 'liberal friends'. How the f**k can that even be a thing unless YOU are also liberal? It's like me being a farmer and having a neighbor that sprays my fields with roundup after my crop greens up but we swap grilling/hunting/fishing activities every other weekend. WTF?!?!?!?!? THAT is a mental issue for certain. And I don't want ANYBODY that acknowledges that they have liberal or Democrat friends anywhere near me. DO NOT come around me!
There is no way that a true conservative minded person can even refer to these people as "friends". Mixing oil & water never works out.

I've tried and it just doesn't work.

"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
-G. K. Chesterton