What really Chapps my tail is the ladies out there acting all badA then thinking she can slow walk that butt across the street. But it was nice to see her get bull rushed to the ground. How long before these straight up and down walkers clue in to take a more battle ready stance. Bunch of pampered Namcy’s.

Now the ANTIFAs are following cops and counter protesters home and doxing them or attacking their homes. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander time. Start following them home and SWAT searching mommy and daddy’s basement for illegal fireworks. The gloves are still on INMNSHO

"Arguing on the internet is like playing chess with a pigeon. You may be good at chess, but the pigeon is just going to knock all the pieces down, take a crap on the table, and strut around like its victorious."--Anonymous