This is purely anecdotal, but it's what I personally have observed....

we have several close friends and quite a few more "acquaintances" that are teachers, from Kindergarten to High, we all know you can group teachers into 1 of 2 groups: Those that teach because they have a passion for it, and those that teach because they went to school to get some sort of education degree and are teaching b/c they just don't know anything else to do. We've all had them, and it's pretty obvious which ones are which.

From my personal observation of people I know, there is almost a 100% correlation between which of those groups above they fall in, and whether or not they want to be back in the classroom vs "distance learning". The ones that teach because they truly have a passion for it want to get back in the classroom with their students. The ones that taught b/c they didn't really know what else to do are the ones posting on FB about how much of a martyr they are, and saying things like "I can't teach from the grave", and mailing their self-written obituaries to their mayors/governors, etc.

Last edited by GomerPyle; 07/22/20 11:11 AM.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft