Originally Posted by GomerPyle

When we moved into our current house several years ago, we had a survey done despite being in an established subdivision, because we knew we'd be putting a fence up. Turns out the property line was not where the previous owner and my neighbor thought it was (perfectly in between the 2 houses). Instead, it was about 2' from the corner of his house. Even worse (for him), the city has an easement between the 2 houses for an underground storm drain.........that easement actually goes about 5' into his house. Basically, whoever laid out that neighborhood and its lots 25-30 yrs ago really screwed up on his lot and the placement of his home in the lot.

He stayed pissed off at ME for a few years after all that, as if it were somehow MY fault.

The lesson here is to ALWAYS pay for a survey, subdivision or not.

Why was he pissed at you? He shoulda done his die diligence.
Did the city put in a storm drain once they figured out his house was on their easement?

Yes, ALWAYS get a survey.
My grandfather bought 10 acres from a life long friend on a handshake.
After buying it and having it surveyed, it was just a little over 3 acres.

There are two types of gun enthusiasts ... Those who have been F#CKED by PTG and those who will be!

~ unknown