Originally Posted by bill
Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by Wiley Coyote
Originally Posted by James
That's cool. But try and enter the VA Hospital (or any Hospital) or Dr.s office without one, and get back with us lol...

I have an appointment with my eye doc tomorrow and they said I'll get my temp taken at the door and will have to wear a mask. I'm ok with that short time with a mask on to get my eye looked at.

Me too Wiley. Just sayin Bill needs to go somewhere a bit more challenging than the pilot station 😁

The point was that I've been in several businesses and restaurants and haven't had any issues. I'm sure it's coming but the encouraging part is the number of people who are ignoring the orders.

I know what you meant Bill 😉 But yeah, some folks are getting tired of it, I'm seeing it here also. But i will say this though, i got little ugly with a woman in the DG the other day. My son and his friend walked in about 6 steps ahead of me, and i overheard the lady tell them they couldn't come in without a mask, so i scanned the store and noticed that majority of shoppers "did not have masks on" but they were also adults, so she singled them out 🤬

Do not regret growing older, it's a privilege denied to many!