Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by TensawRiver
Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by Skinny
Local drunk guy here told me that the mask makes it easier to be drunk in public. That actually made sense.

You know...I went to the ABC store the other day and they had a sign on the door stating "If you appear to be under the age of 30, please have your ID ready", but they also had a sign up requiring masks. I begrudgingly wore my mask. I also had a baseball cap and sunglasses on and didn't bother to remove either. They never checked my ID or anything. I could have been 15yrs old and they'd have never known the difference.

Kids these days could be having a field day with this mask deal.

Funny that you mention that. I read a news article the other day, where some teenagers are already having a field day. Their was some teenage girls that dressed like old ladies and bought some beer, lol!

Yup. I seen the same article about the chicks dressing up like grandma's 🤣

Before u know it perch is gonna be dressing as a teen trying to get into high-school 😀

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin