My neighbor rescues dogs. They keep them in kennels and do a good job keeping them up but one day his wife was cleaning the kennel and a pitbull got out. I was walking out the back door, on the way to my shooting house. My boy was in the woods behind the house. He said this pitbull just got one of our chickens and growled at him when he tried to save the chicken. Well I had a gun in my hand so I ended the problem right there. About that time I here my neighbors wife calling the dog. I went on and went hunting. I sat in the shooting house thinking about my neighbor and got to feeling bad. I did the right thing and id do it again tomorrow but this particular neighbor lost a son years ago so since then theyve rescued animals and takes care of them. So knowing I was either going to have to call him now or lie later when he called me, I just went on and called him. He wasnt happy about it but agreed I did what I had to do. His wife gave me the stinkeye for months. It was one of them awkward situations that just sucked. When I shot the dog, I didnt know it was theirs, that might have made a difference considering how they feel about them and they had always done good keeping them up.