Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Actually Southern Research Institute in Birmingham has a paper they published about the effectiveness of masks. An N95 is about 90% effective, a surgical mask is about 33%, a bandana is around 11, and a dust mask is 6. Of note, the paper went on to conclude the use of masks gives people a false sense of security.

I actually had a guy tell me he wears a mask for my protection. He didn't like it when I informed him my protection was my responsibility, not his!!

That paper was published in 2010 and is hardly relevant to the argument here. They sprayed aerosols directly onto the mask to see what collected on the mannequin. The argument for masks is for everyone to wear them so they will collect and significantly reduce the spread of aerosols from an infected person. People could be asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic spreading the virus. Why not play it safe and nip this in the bud?

We are the only advanced country in the world still significantly struggling with this virus. I don't see why so many are refusing to try and help resolve the issue. This is not a world wide sponsored hoax targeted on removing our president from power.

People keep saying if masks work why do we not just open up the country and have everyone wear them? People will still refuse to wear them and make up bogus health reasons and other arguments why they cant wear a simple mask inside a store for 10 minutes. If we could somehow make this a reality that would be great but anytime there is a stricter mandate all the people complaining about snowflakes happen to turn into the biggest snowflakes.