Originally Posted by eclipse829
Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Actually Southern Research Institute in Birmingham has a paper they published about the effectiveness of masks. An N95 is about 90% effective, a surgical mask is about 33%, a bandana is around 11, and a dust mask is 6. Of note, the paper went on to conclude the use of masks gives people a false sense of security.

I actually had a guy tell me he wears a mask for my protection. He didn't like it when I informed him my protection was my responsibility, not his!!

Thank you would have sufficed.

I'm not thanking anyone for acting irrationally and putting faith in constantly changing government mandates. I'm not thanking anyone for trying to sell me "the new normal" or for promoting the idea that they know what's better for me than I do. I won't say a word to anyone who chooses to wear a mask and if they are really concerned with their health they'll extend me the same courtesy when they see me without one.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"