Originally Posted by abolt300
If masks work as good as we are being told, at defeating the spread of the virus, then there is no reason to keep anything closed down and we should just all wear masks and go back to 100% normal full time activities. If we cannot wear masks and go back to 100% normal, then that right there is proof that they do not work and we can stop all this BS about needing to wear them to stop the spread. The fact is, they either work like we are being told they do or they do not work, which one is it???????? You know it must be real tough trying to keep everyone scared to death of the virus and the economy shut down at the same time. Picking wearing the masks, to stop the spread, as lynch pin on all this is a big mistake by the libs if you look at it logically. Cant be both. It either works or it doesnt, there's no grey area. They just need to decide. Full open economy or nobody acting like sheeple and wearing masks. Either is fine for me.

How would we know if mask work? There's a percentage of the population that's looking for every excuse not to wear one. We'll never have a true measure of effectiveness.