Originally Posted by hosscat
It's all about "look at me". The huge wheels is just the latest trend in the look at me crowd. In my lifetime I remember the spinner wheels, super load subwoofers, then super load tweeters, the same crowd sometimes has crotch rocket bikes and routinely will rev it to the limiter while at a stop light. They also wear ridiculous jewelry and gaudy clothing. Once upon a time the trend was gold and silver teeth overlays. And many of them talk so loud you can't be in the same restaurant as them. Lastly, they like to leave the car door open and the radio on loud while pumping gas.

And the more of them the worse it is. There’s a half million dollar home behind our house that a family is renting. About every other Sunday evening a bunch of them will gather at the pool in their backyard and crank up the rap music and be loud as hell. Several kids screaming and hollering and they’ll climb up on a planter wall and gyrate like they are dry humping each other. Young kids! It’s like they are wanting us to see them or something. The adults are just as loud and get even louder the drunker and later it gets. Last week it was 11:30 before the flashlight cop finally stopped them. Which I had to call twice and one of their kind laughed at me when I told him to do his damn job.

I don’t have a problem with anybody having a good time in their own backyard and enjoying family and friends. We do it. But not after eight or so on a work night. And I damn sure am considerate of others. And that’s were the problem is. None of them obviously work.

Their house and pool is about seventy yards from ours.No zero lot lines here and our yards are good size for a subdivision. I can have the TV on and hear them and I’m hard of hearing. Just a total lack of respect for others and themselves. It’s Mfer this and GD that. And bitch a time or two is common in their vocabulary.

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!