Originally Posted by hawndog
Originally Posted by soalaturkeys
OK, fellow ALDEERIANS who are LEOs/former LEOs, or who know something about this, how accurate are "gun sniffing dogs" and what are they sniffng?? Gunoil? Powder? I have heard of dogs being able to smell out lots of things but not guns!

I would think it is the powder, or powder residue. Not so different than a bomb dog or a drug dog. They have an amazing ability to smell.
For sure. But for the sake of argument, if you had a pistol you had not fired (I know, pistols are fired before they leave the factory, but then they are cleaned very well) do you think a well trained dog would sniff out your concealed weapon? A bomb dog finding a single bullet is amazing!!

"For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America" ~Benjamin Franklin

Isaiah 40:13-14


NRA Life Member, GOA, BamaCarry Member