Hadnt been to the Galleria in a number of years. Wife and I were shopping in B'ham prior to Christmas and she needed to pick something up at one of the stores there. We walked in and ran into a small tribe of patrons with their pants down around their knees as soon as we opened the door to enter the Galleria. I rarely feel uncomfortable in any environment but I immediately realized that it was a situation where I should be carrying. I turned back around and escorted her back out to the truck, untucked my shirt, reached under the seat and put it on my person before we walked back in. It was a freaking zoo in there and nothing like it used to be 15-20 yrs ago or even 10 for that matter. I will not be going back to that craphole ever again. It's tough to shop with the wife when your head is constantly on a swivel assessing the dozens of possible threats around you at all times. I'll also say that none of the people I'm talking about were shopping or spending money at any of the stores. Just a gathering place and ripe for trouble.

Last edited by abolt300; 07/17/20 02:42 PM.