Originally Posted by DaffyDucksWorstNightmare
Having a wife that works for Huntsville Hospital and it's a SLIPPERY SLOPE with the Covid situation. My wife gets tested and comes back positive she has to be out of work 21 days, NO PAY unless she uses her leave or unless she can somehow prove she caught it at the hospital. She has to have 2 negative results before she can return, and if she test positive that 21 days starts over again. one co worker has been out 8 weeks because "they" test positive every time "they" got checked, no symptoms just a positive test. 8 weeks without pay; not every family can sustain that lost income. Workers are getting thrown into a very stressful situation, treat this Covid patient but if you test positive you get thrown to the side like you don't matter, and the next worker comes in same thing happens.

With that said my wife refuses to wear the mask outside of work and now Aunt Bee is making her do it if she goes to the grocery store. Just a sad state of affairs at how much control our politicians have now.

And keep in mind that every single time she gets that positive result on her re-test to try to get back to work, it is entered as its own seperate case in both the state and the nationwide totals. Tests are not cataloged to a specific individual within a state's database or the CDC. Each test is viewed as a stand alone case and the results are added to the totals as either positive or negative. Wonder why cases are spiking? Now that widespread testing is available, how many people are getting re-tested so they can get back to work? I've got a single guy that works for us that personally accounts for 6 of Florida's confirmed covid tests. He's one person that ended up being tested 7 times. It took him 6 re-tests over a 3 week period before he finally got a negative so he could come back to work. I'm sure it is common everywhere.

Last edited by abolt300; 07/17/20 11:42 AM.