Originally Posted by gman
Originally Posted by green river 123
wiley i am new here just joined recently.long time stalker.have really enjoyed reading and keeping up with the deer hunters especially.the mask we wear in hospitals while taking care o covid patients are different than the ones you see everyone wearing . all the other nurses wearing regular mask.fox news had a interesting report on this last night. we wear n95 mask and suit up like we just made a lunar landing when taking care of covid patient. big problem with nurrses catching it is when you take care of a patient for a week before they realize patient has it.
So what you're saying is the "masks" dont work. So no need in wearing them. Gotcha

What I want to understand is if the mask doesn't keep you from getting it. Then how does it stop you from spreading it? To me that's saying that it can get in but can't get out. Doesn't makes sense to me.

Last edited by TensawRiver; 07/16/20 06:46 PM.

Romans 8:1-2
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, for the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of Sin and Death"