I don't need to throw and mow because I've got the proper equipment to do it right. I am not against throw and mow but that's for the 35hp tractor crowd. Nothing wrong with it. At all IMO. I am a believer in a soil having really good tilth. Personally I do not have time to run around in circles all day on an acre with 5 and 6ft equipment. If that's all I had I would be throwing and mowing too. But that's not what I have so....

Back to the story at hand - I don't think you need to subsoil for plot seed myself but I'm open to discuss that I certainly don't know everything. I do not plow with a moldboard. I sold mine and bought a chisel and I personally think that works better I have twisted shovels and it flips a little dirt on top and seems to do well starting the decomposing process. The plow causes a hard pan IMO. But a plow or either type won't break up that hard pan either way.... the chisel doesn't run any deeper. It looks like it would run down to waist deep. That thing sits up that high..... but it only runs down about 1/2 the shovel length so still pretty shallow. But works well you just need serious horsepower to pull one and you got that Marshmud. I like mine.

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