Originally Posted by metalmuncher
Originally Posted by lefthorn
Originally Posted by lckrn
It depends on how many test have been collected, doesn’t matter symptoms or not. Week before last at my clinic in Chattanooga I was swabbing 15-20 per day. Last week we averaged 50-60 per day and Thursday I swabbed 80 along with still seeing 30ish regular patients in the clinic. We swabbed 40 by lunch Friday and thank God we ran out of swabs. Needless to say we overwhelmed our lab, went from 24 hour turnaround time to 3-5 days. Probably 4-6 now cause none of the swabs I did Thursday were back today.


Why the increasing test numbers? That many people showing symptoms? Required tests for work? Been in contact and just wanna make sure they don’t have it even though no symptoms?

Just curious. Real curious why everyone wants to get tested when they don’t even have symptoms

I got tested as did my wife because we were showing symptoms. And yes, we're both positive. The two other people I know personally that have it were also showing symptoms.

How are you and your wife doing with it? Y'all okay?


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