I had class last week and went to a fast food joint. Sign on door said mask required to order inside. I wasn’t paying attention to the signs on the door. Looking thru the glass as I walked up I could see a girl sitting at a table with a computer and what looked like a few books opened. No mask. Then there was a man who had ordered stand away from the counter waiting for his food. Mask under his chin. I walk in still not have not seen the signage, approach the counter to order. I stand there for about 4-5min, nobody at the counter to take my order. Then this tall skinny 30ish democrat in the prep area tells his workers “hold on, hold on” comes up towards the counter and says to me “you have to have a mask to order inside or go thru the drive thru”. I said “What”? He repeated it and I said “ if that’s the case you don’t need my money” and walked out. Drove a mile down the road and went to a local Mexican restaurant and had a very good sit down meal. NO DAMN MASK INSIGHT except for the employees.