Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by hunterbuck
Jeebus, some of y'all should never be allowed on websites like reddit.

You really think folks would be buying children...using credit cards with a paper trail...on an e-commerce platform?

This place absolutely loves any conspiracy, no matter how outlandish, it appears.

We are talking about the people who own the credit card companies here. Im sure they have ways they cant be traced.

The same folks who can't figure out how to keep folks' personal info from being hacked? That's who is masterminding this IYO?

All this speculation because they have some overpriced furniture named after people that suburban Becky will buy because....expensive?

Like I said...get back with me when a kid pops out of a cabinet at suburban Becky's house.

"You think I care? Roll Damn Tide"

Have you tried Google?