Hale Co, 1981, I'd been working for one year. There were a couple brothers from Tuscaloosa that were regular poaching the Henry Bryars place across from the State Cattle Ranch we were trying to catch. One afternoon I drove down thru the property and parked, then eased out to the county chert road the ran along the property line. I picked a likely spot and settled in, maybe 20 yards from the fence along the road. I hadn't been there more than ten minutes when a black Cadillac stopped right in front of me. One of the brothers, Bobby, got out and retrieved his camo and gun from the trunk and walked towards me. A 16 year old local black got in the drivers seat and drove off. Bobby stepped over the fence took a couple of steps and came eye to eye with me. Deer in the headlights look. I took his gun and we walked back to my truck and drove around to the end of the road where Bobbys car was parked at a house. I walked up the steps and knocked, and older black woman came out and I asked for the boy by name. When I told her I was going to arrest him she pitched a fit. Finally got him out and arrested Bobby and him. I told his momma just like bank robbery the wheel man gets arrested too....

Years later I was working not far out of Eutaw with Harvy Foster. As we eased down a small deadend woods road I spotted a deers white belly 20 yards off the road. I got out, grabbed a camo jumpsuit and my shotgun, told Harvy to get the hell out and not come back till I called him on the radio. He left in a hurry. I went across an old barbed wire fence and set down just behind the fresh dead doe. I hadn't been there 20 minutes when I heard a vehicle coming. I felt like I hit the lottery, it was one of my multiple repeat outlaws. He stopped right in front of the deer, looked around, and eased on. He turned around and came back, same routine, and left. He came back 20 minutes later and stopped at the deer, a 20 year old black jumped out and sprinted to the deer as the truck pulled up and turned around. Me , the black boy, the deer, and the truck got to the road at the same time. I gave to black boy a ticket for possession of an illegal deer, same to the driver of the truck. He was pissed but he got one anyway....getaway driver always goes to jail too....

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one