For every "super spreader" story, there's the other side. My son tested positive almost 20 days ago. His roomate, girlfriend, teammates, workout partners, and everyone at the place where he works 5 days a week have all tested negative. Probably 30-40 people that have been in close contact with him. None have symptoms and all that have gone for tests have tested negative. Has no clue where he got it and he's been careful. Light fever for a day and a half, headache for about 4 hrs after fever broke and a little sinus congestion with it. All symptoms gone completely after the 4th day. He's got to get a negative before he can go back to work. He personally now accounts for 4 of the listed cased in AL since he tested positive originally and positive on 3 additional re-tests trying to get a negative. Every test is stand alone and reported seperately into the totals so keep that in mind when you are looking at the total cases listed. Like I said, he's only one person but accounts for 4 of the positives in the AL total.

Other side is I personally know of a family that rented a beach house this last week and one came down sick with a fever the 4th day of the trip. All 8 of the occupants ended up getting it with the other 7 coming down with the fever within 3-6 days after the first showed symptoms. Higher fever and congestion/cough but none say they've had a really bad time with it and all appear to be getting over it in 4-8 days from onset of first symptoms. Crazy how different all the cases and symptoms are.

Last edited by abolt300; 07/10/20 01:37 PM.