Spent 5 days in the hospital in '87 due to a spider bite. Dr said he couldn't confirm that it was a brown recluse, but was pretty sure it was. I woke up one Monday morning to get ready for school and had a red streak running from my calf up my leg. Showed my mom and she took me to the Dr. He told us to leave the office and go straight to the hospital and he'd be right behind us. Got to the hospital and they got an IV going pumping anitbiotics. Then they put some kind of medicine on the bite, wrapped gauze around my calf and poured an antiseptic liquid on it (may have been peroxide), then wrapped it with an ACE bandage and heating pad. They'd change the bandage 2x everyday. That Friday, the Dr came in and pulled the bandages off, then very lightly squeezed my calf. When he did, this orange colored junk oozed out and would have up solo cup full. He said that was the poison from the bite. I still have a small hole in the back of my calf some 33 years later.