The only thing that worries me about Tubbs is the unknown. Where does he stand? Why WON’T he debate Sessions? Why is he running from the media? I want to vote for him, but give me something besides
“ I’m not Jeff Sessions”. We’ll who is Tommy Tubberville the politician, not the coach. Give me a reason to vote for YOU. Assure me I’m doing the right thing.
One other thing that worries me is when or IF he wins the nomination and runs against Jones, what will the media dig up in his past? The skeletons? Did he use the N word, did he cheat on his wife, cheat on taxes, did he fondle a kid in 1970 whatever, sexual harassment charges being brought up out of the blue 30 years later bs, etc, etc. You KNOW they will go to the ends of the earth to do the same thing they did to Roy Moore, right before the election and sway people’s opinions negatively. Sessions on the other hand has been in Washington long enough to be anal probed and looked over with a fine tooth comb by the libs and media, one in the same, and there isn’t too much that will stick anymore that’s not already out. No bombshells at least.
I’m torn on this one. I despise Sessions for what he put this country through as AG. I was hoping he would bring much to Alabama being in that position of power. I was proud of what he did in Washington PRIOR to that. I want Tubbs to give me a reason to cast my vote, but him hiding and not debating has me scratching my head. Man up and show us who you are and where you stand and you’ll win by a landslide. Show me some FIGHT! I don’t want buyers remorse. Your going to Washington for Christ sakes.

"I didnt mean to kill nobody, I just meant to shoot him once in the head and two times in the chest. Him dying was between he and the Lord."
Legendary bluesman R.L. Burnside