Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
Originally Posted by TickaTicka
Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
I’m waiting for him to talk about the deficit and his plan to get our country out of debt that is and has been running out of control. The only thing I’ve heard him say is that he will get up with Tom Cotton and learn from him. Which is a smart move. I also heard on a talk show yesterday in Montgomery that some damaging news was coming out on Tuberville this week.

The deficit that Trump has been exploding?

Trump has added 8 trillion to it in the past three months. I know I know we can’t say anything negative about Trump and his lack of being a fiscal conservative but it’s the truth. Yes I’m a supporter of him but the Donald has a spending problem with our money.

How is it Trumps fault? Congress votes on any/all spending not the POTUS. He can trying to stem or change with veto power but does no spending.