Ya'll are gonna call me a liar but, that's ok. Several years ago one January back in a deserted slough on Guntersville, I had been fishing most of the morning and had caught nothing other than 1 little dink. As I got way back in the slough I noticed a squirrel climbing out an overhanging limb to try to get to a white oak acorn that was laying on a stump just an inch or two above the surface of the water. I know most the White oak acorns had been long gone where I hunted, so I just stopped fishing and watched for a few minutes. After hanging over it for a moment or two the squirrel finally dropped down onto the stump and grabbed the acorn. About the time he grabbed it all heck broke loose. A huge bass exploded on the surface, knocked the squirrel off of the stump with his tail and then circled around and inhaled the squirrel before it could climb back on the stump. The giant bass then disappeared back below the surface. I sat there bewildered for just a moment and then as I was pulling off the bass appeared again rolled it's huge head sideways and spit the acorn back up on the stump.