Originally Posted by DEADorALIVE
Originally Posted by Skinny

Give him life in prison. Killing folks over stupid crap is bad no matter how you feel about it.

Report I read said that he went down an exit ramp, then turned right onto the interstate 1/4 mile prior to encountering the DA's standing in the road. If that's so, no way he did that accidentally...

He could have been just trying to go a shorter route by using the interstate - he may not have even known there were "protestors' blocking the highway.

We will see - - dumbarses like that driver usually voluntarily give detailed and incriminating statements to the police when the are arrested.

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter