yes sir, that was a Malingator bite.

Last bite my wife ever made was in teaching Taz to apprehend out of a vehicle. I had a night hunting suspect, driver, jump out of a moving vehicle. LOL, he bounced like a ball and rolled into a ditch. I pulled right up on top of him and he tried to get up and run into the woods. I sent Taz to bite him. She was all excited and smashed into the windshield...straight line right??? LOL I had to toss her out the door to get her aligned.
My bad, lack of training on ANY possibility. So I had Mel sleeve up and sent Taz from the truck as Mel ran. Pro tip: ALWAYS keep one eye on the dog. Taz had trouble again exiting the truck and Mel kept running. You do NOT want to catch an excited Mal after she has run 100 yards to get to you. Taz launched 20 feet out and hit Mel top of shoulder(off the sleeve) slap Taz stayed attached as Mel did a full two flips in the air, not touching ground till she face planted on second cycle....Taz still attached to shoulder above the sleeve. No, I do not have video but it was damn impressive. Mel finally regained her feet and threw the sleeve fifty feet and stomped off to the house, declaring NO MORE DECOY WORK FOR HER.
Mel was bruised much worse than that pic and stayed mad for a week.

Gotta love a Malingator

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one