Originally Posted by 2Dogs
Originally Posted by blumsden
This is what I know. There is nothing man made that can reduce scent enough for a deer not to smell you, if your scent plume reaches their nose. I try to use the wind direction and thermals to my advantage. I use no cover scents, no special clothing, and no special soaps. I see a lot of deer and kill mature bucks. I have deer come in directly down wind of me and not smell me. Why? Because my scent plume did not make it to his nose because of thermals or some other reason. All deer do not blow when they smell you, so trust me, deer are smelling you no matter how many fancy scents, soaps, or clothes you use. Dogs can smell dope wrapped in plastic submerged in a gas tank. Deer have 300 million scent receptors in their nose, dogs have 200 million, which means deer have better sense of smell. Dogs can smell cancer cells in the human body. If drugs dealers thought that fancy soap or clothes would reduce smell enough for drug dogs not to find their drugs, they would buy all of it and use it. Some people are going to go to extremes with scent control, and that's their prerogative. People watch too much TV. Somebody will say, I before I started using scent control I didn't see as many deer, well another thought is you became a better deer hunter as you age and that's why you see more deer. To each his own. I'll leave you with this. If you are going to use scent control, do it all the way, not half way. I respect the dedication of those extremists, even though I dont agree with them. Harold, read the book "The deer of north america" by Leonard Lee Rue the third. Great book and talks about the interdigital gland often.

I figured we'd get around to the deer have more receptors than dogs so that means they have a better sense of smell snake oil. No one has ever answered my question are all receptors created equal.

No fish oil, just plain old science. 300 is more than 200, or did they not teach math in your school. Lol.