As mentioned earlier, this is the only way we can establish herd immunity. Even when a vaccine is developed, will it be effective? Look at the flu shot, hit or miss each year. The young and healthy adults, so long as they are not immunocompromised, are our best chance of expanding herd immunity to get through this.
Reflect back into our childhood, what happened when someone got chicken pox? Our parents piled us all up together to get it and then not have it further and develop immunity. I spent all summer one year at different familie's homes, couped up and never caught it! 20 years later when I went to work in health care I find out that I am immune to it. One side of me was pissed, but the other understands the immunity concept. Herd immunity will be established far faster than the vaccine concept. Stay well, hydrate, take your Tylenol and Naproxen, and lets get ready for bow season!