Originally Posted by JDR4Bama
Didn't read the thread. But if ya'll disagree, the phuck you, you are the problem. We gotta fix this thing before we can move on. Black folks have been treated pretty freaking bad historically. Let's fix it and move on.

Buddy, if youve treated black people badly then you need to fix that. Ive never treated a black person badly in my life but ive been treated like crap by them more times than I want ti go back over, whos gona fix that problem? I figure 2/3 of all people treat others like crap. Probably 90% would screw me or you either one over for a dollar. And by the way, if youve seen people mistreating others black white or whatever and you did nothing about it, youre part of the problem. Theres alot that needs fixing but I have personally never witnessed a white person mistreating a black person just because they were black.