Originally Posted by Ben2
Originally Posted by metalmuncher
My wife and I are sitting here having our own Covid 19 party. Fun, fun, fun. I tested positive and she is waiting on most likely the same results. Gonna be a long couple of weeks. At least I have most everything caught up around here.

Where did you get it, any idea? I have had several friends lately that have had no mask and been indoors in close proximity with positive covid cases and all of them have tested negative. Hatd to imagine if its so contagious.

MY routine has been pretty normal. Basically for the last several weeks about all I do/did was got to work and back. That would include a few stops for fuel and or coffee along the way. I had been fishing a couple times too but had no contact with anyone other than my son on those occasions. I am the guy that was checking temps at work so maybe that's where I got it. My wife had made a few trips to the Gro. store so there's a possibility also.