Originally Posted by Clem
Originally Posted by jwalker77
He also just recommended if you see a teenager with a semi automatic weapon you call the police and let them know. Is it illegal for my son to squirrel hunt with a model 60? I really believe this man is more a threat to our society than all the ar 15s in the world. If you see my son squirrel hunting, please dont call the law on him.

Just found the Fox6 story but this about semi-autos isn't included. Was this during a live press conference or something else?

It was just a news interview. He talked about the masks then I believe they asked him about a shooting. He said no 15yo should have an automatic weapon and urged people to call the police if they see a teenager with an automatic weapon, didnt specify caliber. I was getting ready for work and heard all this. I wasnt really paying attention but those are a couple of things he said that stood out.