Stopped to grab takeout last night on the way home. Sign on the door said mask required (this is a new requirement for this establishment). I thought about it for a minute since naturally, I did not have a mask on or with me so I just went in and kept my 6 ft of seperation like normal. Had 5 special forces guys come in right behind me (none of them wearing masks) and one stopped and said "hey, says a mask is required guys". His buddy looks over at me not wearing a mask and I nodded to him and he says real loud so that management can hear "F a damn mask, doc on base says they dont work anyway and if I can handle getting shot at, I can probably survive the flu". Guess what, nobody said a thing to any of the 6 of us about ordering or paying without masks. Best part is that others coming in behind us saw that none of us were wearing masks and they took theirs off once they walked inside and put them in their pockets. People are turning into sheep and playing follow the leader behind the lib and media's scare agenda. Give them something else to follow and they will revert to doing and acting out the way they really think. When we left, we talked in the parking lot and the guy that orginally said "says mask required" said, "did y'all notice that after we went in and ordered that nobody coming in after us or even after the people that came in after us, wore their masks, we've got to start doing this more often." I told them that I appreciated their service to our country and gave them a $20 to get a case of beer to go with their food. Good guys.

Last edited by abolt300; 06/30/20 03:43 PM.