Originally Posted by bama_earl
Originally Posted by AU67Skeeter
If we were given the option for everyone to wear masks or the gov't (be it local, city, county, state, or fed) forced businesses to shut down, which would you do? I was asked this earlier today from a guy at work. I hate the mask thing and haven't worn one yet. However, I think I would consider it if meant businesses could remain open, continued economic recovery and no need for the Federal Government to spend anymore borrowed money.

Look at the drastic drops they are seeing in Europe, Japan, and Canada because they locked down sooner, and more people wore masks out in public. We could end this sooner and really get back to business if we would stop turning common sense into a political stance.

I have said this before, I have no issues wearing a mask. I wear a sun guard for fishing and I can wear it 8hrs in one stretch no issues. That type of face mask is sufficient for what is required in Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile...etc.

And you just proved the point. That type of mask does with 100% certainty, nothing, to stop the germs from filtering through and into the air. Pull it up and breath through it. If you can feel hot air coming through to the outside of the mask (and you definitely will since I wear the same type for sun protection pretty much every weekend I fish), it ain't doing squat protecting you or others around you. All youre doing wearing it is virtue signaling, not saving lives or controlling the spread one bit. In other words, if that meets the requirement in B'ham, Monkeytown, and Mobile, then the requirement should not be in place to start with cause it doesnt do jack crap to prevent the spread of the virus.

Last edited by abolt300; 06/30/20 02:22 PM.