Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by Ben2
Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by Ben2
Again what is the downside to knowing who has covid if they self report it so you can stay away from them?

Be careful what you ask for, you just may get it.

This app is a steep slope covered with grease...

I get that, but if I can turn it on and off. Say I want to go to publix today and it shows 4 people with covid have been there this morning I would turn it off then wait til tomorrow and turn it back on and check again. That may not be the way it works but sure would be handy especially for high risk folks

You're still missing the point. If they can use an app to track your health and transmit this information to complete strangers, what's next? An app that identifies gun owners, Christians, what else?

Nothing good can come from this technology.

You think they dont already know all that information?? Seriously